College Recruitment Fair— October 26-30, 2020

The American National Riding Commission is a partner of the Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA.)

The ANRC Take it Forward College Recruitment Fair is for prospective high school students interested in connecting with coaches at colleges and universities that support hunter seat collegiate riding teams. Students have the opportunity to submit a rider profile and video(s) that can be made available to coaches that are actively recruiting for their teams.

Listen to helpful tips on creating your college recruiting video and things to consider for your college search from a student’s perspective.

Participating Colleges and Universities

(click on a logo to learn about their program)

How it Works for Prospective Students:

  • Registration is open August 20 through October 20.
  • Prepare up to two recruiting videos that highlight your equitation skills on the flat on over fences.
  • Go to the RIDER PROFILE FORM. Download the form, fill out the form, and save it.
  • Then, fill out the College Fair STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM. This is where you will upload your rider profile form and video(s). When you are done, click on “submit”.
  • Next, make your payment. The fee to register is $50. Payment can be made using or Venmo at ANRC Take it Forward.
  • After you complete these steps, your profile and video(s) will be placed in an on-line folder and made available to participating college coaches/recruiters October 26-30, 2020.

What You Receive for Participating:

  • After the college fair has concluded, ANRC will provide you with a contact list of participating colleges along with the name of the coach and their email address.
  • Additionally, you can use the discount code ANRC 2020 to enter one class in any of the ANRC Take it Forward Freestyle Challenge rounds offered September through December 2020.

How it Works for Colleges to Participate:


  • Fill out the COLLEGE FAIR SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM. Registration is open August 20 through October 20.
  • When you register, you have the opportunity to upload your school logo. All registered schools will have their school logo and link to their college website displayed on the ANRC website college fair page.


  • For a fee of $50 your school can have access to the prospective student folders October 26-30.
  • Each prospective student folder will contain a profile with a description of their skill level and 1-2 recruiting videos. You can contact prospective students directly by email.
  • After October 30, the participating prospective students will receive a list of each participating college, the coach/recruiter’s name, and email address.
  • Payment can be made using or Venmo at ANRC Take it Forward.