ROUND 1: Completed and judged by Meg Black, USEF R, Deer Isle, ME. Find results HERE. Riders will receive flat score sheets, ribbon certificates, and audible evaluations by email.
ROUND 2: Completed and judged by Katrina Weinig, USEF r, Washington, DC. Find results HERE. Riders will receive flat score sheets, ribbon certificates, and audible evaluations by email.
ROUND 3: Completed and judged by Patte Zumbrun, USEF R, Glen Arm, MD. Find results HERE. Riders will receive flat score sheets, ribbon certificates, and audible evaluations by email.
ROUND 4: Completed and judged by Jill Randles, ANRC Judge, Columbia, MD. Find results HERE. Riders will receive flat score sheets, ribbon certificates, and audible evaluations by email.
ROUND 6: Entries open October 24 and close November 11. Upload video(s) November 12-13. Judging begins November 14.
- Be sure to Join the ANRC Take it Forward Facebook Group Page! This is where you will upload your video(s) and where the judging takes place.
- Each division offers a flat class and an over fences class. Choose the division that matches your skill level. You can enter one or both classes in that division. You may not cross-enter into another division in the same round.
- For your Flat Class, choose one of the tests offered in your division (see class descriptions at the bottom of this page).
- For Over Fences class, create and capture a performance you design. Within your freestyle performance, you will include some elements listed under your class description. The judge may add up to 5 points to your score based on how well you perform the elements you have chosen and the level of difficulty.
- Note the entry deadline, fill out the entry blank and submit payment using PayPal or Venmo.
- Upload your video on the ANRC Take it Forward Facebook Group Page two days before your class is scheduled to begin!
- Each rider is judged and scored on their performance and ranked accordingly.
- Watch the judged rounds on the ANRC Take it Forward Facebook Group page and wait for results to be posted!
- All competitors that enter a flat class will receive their score sheet with the judge’s comments by email.
- If you added the judge’s evaluation to your entry, you will receive the judge’s private audible feedback on your round with tips to improve your performance.
(refer to the class requirements and a list of elements you will add to your freestyle performance at the bottom of this page)
- Introductory Equitation Walk-Trot
- Introductory Equitation Walk-Trot 18″-2’ (a combination of trot or canter allowed. Well-executed simple changes will not be penalized)
- Novice Equitation
- Novice Equitation Over Fences 2′-2’3” (Well executed simple changes will not be penalized)
- Limit Equitation
- Limit Equitation Over Fences 2’6″
- Intermediate Equitation
- Intermediate Equitation Over Fences 2’9”-3’
- Open Equitation
- Open Equitation Over Fences 3′-3’3”
- To participate, join the ANRC Take it Forward Virtual Clinic and Horse Show Series Facebook Group Page.
- Check the prize list for the classes offered and the entry deadline.
- Click on the link to visit the ANRC website Take if Forward Virtual Clinic and Horse Show Series page where you will find the show series information, the entry blank, and payment options.
- Complete the entry form and submit payment using PayPal or Venmo.
- Entry closing date is 3 days prior to the start of your division.
- Scratches made prior to the closing date will be refunded. No refunds or credits will be made after the closing date.
- Video your show class per the guidelines and upload it to the ANRC Take it Forward Virtual Clinic and Horse Show Series Facebook group page when the class is scheduled to begin. When you upload your class video, use the comments section to note your back number, class name, flat test, or the elements you are including in your performance. Example: Rider #45, Novice Equitation, Flat Test A. Example: Rider #45, Novice Equitation Over Fences, Elements A, D, E. NOTE: Also indicate “Judge’s Evaluation Requested” here if you added that feature.
- Judges will have one week after the class has run to complete all scoring. The judge’s audible evaluation and/or flat test score sheet will be emailed to you within 10 days of the results being posted.
- Class Fee: $20/class
- Judge’s Audible Evaluation of your flat test or jumping round: $35/class
- Pay using PayPal or Venmo
The judge will reward correct position and a performance that is well-executed; demonstrates a correct use of aids; and exemplifies cooperation between horse and rider throughout. Emphasis is placed on the principles of the American System of Forward Riding. Martingales are prohibited on the flat. Draw reins are prohibited from all performances.
Within your freestyle jumping performance, you will include some elements listed under your class description. The judge may add up to 5 points to your score based on how well you perform the elements you have chosen and the level of difficulty. Results will include the raw score and any bonus points added. If you enter the flat test, the judge’s scoresheet will be emailed to you. Only the top 6 placings will be posted in either flat or fences.
If you requested and paid for an audible judge’s evaluation with your entry, an MP4a file will be emailed to you from ANRC.takeitforward@gmail.com within 10 days of your class being judged and posted. You can watch your video while you listen to an audible commentary by the judge.
Riders must wear ASTM approved protective headgear and clothing suitable to be judged for equitation. Jackets are optional.
Riders design their own jumping course and select a flat test at their appropriate class level.
Flat Test:
- Use a ring or performance area that will enhance your flat test or jumping course.
- Flat performances must use the dressage ring letters A,F,B,M,C,H,E,K. in the correct order and place to define their space.
- Flat performances may be called but not coached.
- Shoot the video from B if possible, or next best option is at letter C
- You Tube is the best option for uploading the video

Jumping Course:
- Use a ring or performance area that will enhance your jumping course.
- A courtesy circle is recommended.
- Fence heights and distances between elements must appear to be in accordance with the class entered. Judges may penalize rounds that do not adequately match the requirements for the class.
- Jumps should have wings and be at least 5’6” wide in the jumpable portion (Exception: open division may have jumps without wings)
- Verticals may be jumped either direction as long as ground lines are correct.
- Look at your class requirements and choose the elements you want to include. Judges will add up to 5 points to your total score based on your execution of those elements.
- No coaching allowed on video.
- Set up the schooling show class according to instructions. Arena corners must be marked and arena letters visible for flat program rides.
- Videos must be in landscape (horizontal) view
- For the flat, shoot the video from letter B if possible, or the next best option letter C
- Use a tripod or steady surface to keep the video as steady as possible
- Keep the entire horse/rider in view at all times.
- Zoom in as the horse and rider move further away.
- Your class must be filmed from beginning to end with no editing or cutting.
- Please make sure video submissions are clear and crisp. Blurry videos will not be judged.
- NO editing of videos
- Tests may be called but withhold from coaching on the sidelines during the video round.
- You Tube is the best option for uploading the video
Introductory Equitation: Your introductory flat test will be performed at the walk and trot.
Introductory Equitation Over Fences: 18”- 2’: Your course should have a minimum of 7 jumping efforts with a maximum of 8. Jumps may be trotted or cantered or a combination of both. Well executed simple changes will not be penalized. You must include 3 of the elements listed below. You may choose to include more or use the entire list.
- Twice around the outside (no change of direction)
- One change of direction-simple or flying change of lead
- Long approach to a single fence
- Bending line
- Halt
Novice Equitation:
Novice Equitation Over Fences 2’- 2’3’: Your course should have a minimum of 7 jumping efforts and a maximum of 8. Well executed simple changes will not be penalized. You must include at least 3 of the elements listed below in your course. You may choose to include more or use the entire list.
- One or more changes of direction
- Bending line
- One or more oxers
- Long approach to a single fence
- Trot fence
- Halt
Limit Equitation:
Limit Equitation Over Fences 2’6”: Your course should include a minimum of 7 jumping efforts with a maximum of 8. Your course must include at least 3 of the elements below. You may choose to include more or use the entire list.
- Roll back turn
- Long approach to a single jump at the hand gallop
- Bending line
- one or more oxers
- One-stride or two-stride in and out
- Trot fence
- Halt
Intermediate Level:
Intermediate Level Over Fences: 2’9″-3′ (a course with a minimum of 8 jumping efforts with a maximum of 9)
- Bending line
- Roll back turn
- Long approach to a single jump at the hand gallop
- End jump
- Narrow jump (5’6”-8”)
- Trot fence
- Combination
- Halt
- Back
- Counter Canter to a jump
Open Equitation:
Open Level Over Fences: 3’-3’3” (a course with a minimum of 8 jumping efforts with a maximum of 9) You must include two or more oxers in your course and include a minimum of 6 of the elements listed below. You may choose to include more or use the entire list.
- Bending line
- Roll back turn
- Long approach to a single jump at the hand gallop
- End jump
- Narrow jump (5’6”-8”)
- Trot fence
- Two or more oxers
- Combination
- Halt
- Back 4 steps
- Counter Canter to a jump
Email questions to: www.anrc.takeitforward@gmail.com or Check our FAQ page.