Collegiate Invitationals
To host a Collegiate Invitational the hosting institution must be able to provide all of the horses for the event. Each team requires three horses. The meet Director will designate the horses that are on each team, will designate the level at which each horse in each team group must compete, and will make every effort to balance the groups of horses to make the competition as fair as possible. Teams will draw for their group of horses. The order of go for each team in each phase will be drawn the same at the number of the group of horses they have drawn. If the host college feels that they can provide 18 horses, then this would accommodate six teams. This is number of rides on which the accompanying timetable is based.
Each team will consist of three riders. This will be a two-phase competition with each phase counting 50%. One rider from each team will ride the Level One Test and an equitation course at 2’3” (simple changes allowed) , one the Level Two Test and a course at 2’6” (simple changes allowed), and one the Level Three Test and a course at 2’9”(flying changes required). The program rides for each level are available at For this competition all riders competing should at least have the experience level to qualify to compete IHSA Novice over Fences. If they qualify to compete at Intermediate or Open Level under the IHSA format, this would give you a stronger team.
Each participating college must be an ANRC member. The entry per team is set by the Host College. An entry fee of $75 per rider is suggested and it is strongly suggested that this fee cover lunch for each team member and the coach.
The host college must provide a demonstration ride of each of the program rides prior to the competition. An instructor from the host college who is not coaching their team and/or the Judge for the competition will lead a discussion of the performance of each of the demonstration rides and how they do or do not demonstrate the expectations of a quality performance for the level. The criteria for each of the Levels is clearly described in these guidelines and will be scored accordingly, i.e the Level One test must be ridden on loose reins or passive contact – a performance not demonstrating this requirement would be penalized severely.
There will be no schooling in the competition areas. Each team of horses will be assigned a Groom from the host college. The Groom will be sure that each horse is tacked up and will walk the horse for ten minutes prior to the assigned rider’s warm-up time. Each rider will be allowed a ten-minute warm-up prior to their program ride and will have an assigned time at which they may mount their assigned horse. Each rider will be allowed a maximum five-minute warm-up prior to their jumping test and will be allowed a maximum of three warm-up jumps in the warm-up area. After completing each phase the competitor is expected to walk their assigned mount for ten minutes before returning the horse to the team’s Groom to be untacked and put away.
The Level One riders will all compete first in the program ride and then in their jumping phase, then all of the Level Two Riders, followed by all of the Level Three Riders. The order of go in the jumping phase will be the exact reverse of the program ride phase. This is more efficient and will allow the riders that are already warmed up to jump first. There should be a twenty-minute break between each of the Levels in order to allow for a ring drag if needed and for rider warm-up in case the last rider from one level and the first rider in the next level are on the same team.
Approximate Timetable
Coach’s Meeting and Draw for Horses and Order of Go –8:30 a.m.
Demonstration Rides – 9:00 a.m.
Warm up Times Begin for Introductory Rides – 9:45 a.m.
Introductory Level Program Rides – 10:00 a.m.
Introductory Level Jumping Phase – 11:00 p.m.
Warm up Times Begin for Novice Rides – 11:20
Novice Level Program Rides – 11:40 a.m.
Novice Level Jumping Phase – 12:45 p.m.
Lunch Break – 1:15 – Box Lunches will be provided for riders and coaches
Warm up Times Begin for Intermediate Rides – 1:45 p.m.
Intermediate Level Program Rides – 2:00 p.m
Intermediate Level Jumping Phase – 3:00 p.m.
Awards Presentation –3:45 p.m. approximately
Specific Requirements for each Test Level
Level One
Proficiency: (the rider may choose to use elementary or the low intermediate level of controls. The elementary level is preferred.)
• The participant is to demonstrate a correct design of position, authority over the horse, security in the saddle and apply the appropriate aids at either the elementary or low intermediate level of control.
• Loose reins – should be the equivalent of a student who has achieved the aim of the elementary level of control on a made horse.
• Passive contact – may be used if the rider’s position/body is independent of the hand. May be equal to USAE equitation on the flat at the intermediate to open level. Contact must be passive. The Rider must demonstrate the ability to follow at the walk and the canter.
• The Horse is to demonstrate the elementary level of obedience, willingness to move forward, and should remain calm throughout both phases.
• Over the jumping course the rider may execute simple changes of lead when appropriate, a flying change, or may maintain the counter canter. Grabbing mane is permissible or a well done crest release.
Level Two
Horse schooled to at least the low intermediate level in the forward riding system
• The participant is to demonstrate a correct design of position, use of intermediate level techniques, and an understanding of the use of impulse to achieve contact. The participant should demonstrate a soft and precise performance throughout both phases. The rider should consistently follow the gestures at the walk and canter.
• The horse is to demonstrate stabilization, willingness to respond to intermediate level techniques, and move with free forward, connected movement.
• Over the jumping course the rider may do a simple change when appropriate, a flying change or maintain the counter canter. Rider should demonstrate good use of intermediate control techniques.
Level Three
Horse schooled to the intermediate level in the forward riding system.
Proficiency: (this is comparable to a good solid adult amateur rider at a USEF horse show)
• The participant is to demonstrate a soft, precise working performance exhibiting cooperation between horse and rider; a ride mechanically correct from beginning to end, a thorough knowledge and understanding of the intermediate aims and control techniques; a good working position which employs the basics of the four fundamentals and sever physical qualities of a rider as defined by Captain Littauer.
• The horse is to demonstrate acceptance of intermediate techniques (contact, squeezing leg, give and take of the reins), impulse, long, low strides with head and neck extended and its mouth closed.
• Over the jumping course the rider should do flying changes of lead and a correct crest release or following arms must be used.
Past Invitational Results
2010 Collegiate Invitational Results