Requirements For ANRC Judges

National Judge


Level Four or Five Riders Rating
• A Level Five Rated Rider must have held a Recorded Judge’s rating for a minimum period of two years and have judged a minimum of two Rating Centers (at least one of which includes a Five Rider Testing) and two Equitrials.
• A Level Four-Rated Rider must have held a Recorded Judge’s rating for a minimum period of four years and have judged a minimum of four Rating Centers (at least one of which includes a Five Rider Testing) and two Equitrials.

• Must have written recommendations to the ANRC Board of Directors from at least two ANRC National Judges (these are solicited by the Education Chair upon application by the candidate).

• Ability to instruct and judge in line with other ANRC Judges according to ANRC rules through:

–  Participation at the instructor level in an instructional clinic of not less than two days duration, and
–  Participation as a Judge in all phases of a Rating Center.

• Upon the recommendation of the ANRC Officials Committee a majority vote of the ANRC Board of Directors is required for approval.

• Four years, ending 31 August of expiration year.

Renewal to Retain Active Status
• Active participation in one of the following within each four-year period:

–  Judge an ANRC Rating Center/Equitrial
–  Judge a Collegiate Championship
–  Instruct an ANRC Clinic
–  Participate in an ANRC Judges’ Forum Conference

Reinstatement procedure for lapsed judgeship
• Completion of either procedure listed below within a one-year time frame and application to the Education Chair upon completion of either process.

–  Participate in an ANRC Judges’ Forum and apprentice judge at a minimum of one ANRC Rating Center or Equitrial.
–  Participate in a minimum of two ANRC Rating Centers as an apprentice judge.
–  Approval of the ANRC Board of Directors with a majority vote.

Recorded Judge

• Level Four or Level Five Rider Rating
• Apprentice teaching at a minimum of one instructional clinic and apprentice judging at a minimum of three of the following in any combination: ANRC Rating Center, ANRC Equitrial, ANRC Judge’s Forum.  At least one of these experiences must include judging the Level One, Level Two and Level Three levels.

• Must have written recommendations to the ANRC Board of Directors from at least two ANRC Judges (these will be solicited by the Education Chair upon application by the candidate).

• Ability to instruct and judge in line with ANRC judges according to ANRC rules.

• Candidates should contact the Chair of Clinics and Centers for an application to become a Recorded Judge and for permission to apprentice.
• Approval when the candidate has completed the application, the Officials Committee makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors . A majority vote of the Board of Directors is required.

Active status for four years, ending 31 August of expiration year.

Renewal for Active Status
Active participation in one of the following within each four-year period:

– Judge an ANRC Rating Center/Equitrial.
– Judge an ANRC Collegiate Competition.
– Teach or instruct at an ANRC instruction clinic.
– Participate in an ANRC Judges’ Forum/Conference.

Reinstatement Procedure for lapsed Judgeship
Completion of either procedure listed below within a one-year time frame and application to the Education Chair upon completion of either process.

– Participate in an ANRC Judges’ Forum and apprentice judge at a minimum of one ANRC Rating Center or Equitrial.
– Participate in a minimum of two ANRC Rating Centers as an apprentice judge.

Guest Judge

• USEF “R” Status

• May judge ANRC Equitrials or Collegiate Competitions only.

• Must have written recommendations to the ANRC Board of Directors from at least two ANRC Judges.

• Upon the recommendations of the ANRC Officials Committee a majority vote of the ANRC Board of Directors is required for approval.

• Four years, ending 31 August of expiration year.

Renewal to maintain active status:
• Must judge one ANRC Equitrial or Collegiate Competition within each four-year period.

Apprentice Judge

• ANRC Level Four or Five Certification

• May judge ANRC Equitrials at Levels One and Two only.

• Must have written recommendations to the ANRC Board of Directors from at least two ANRC Judges.

• Two years, ending 31 August of expiration year.

Renewal to maintain active status:
• Must judge one ANRC Equitrial within each two-year period.

Alternate Method of becoming a Recorded Judge

A full-time experienced riding teacher may request permission to qualify for apprenticeship to become a Recorded Judge without holding a Level Four or Level Five rating (under the following procedures) if age or physical disability prohibit performing the test to achieve such rating.

• Applicant must apply to the ANRC Board of Directors for permission prior to beginning apprenticeship.
• Applicant must produce two pupils riding horses they have trained and schooled.  These riders and their horses must have been primarily instructed and trained by the applicant for a period of at least two consecutive years.
• The two student riders must be at not less than the Level Three Rider certification level and must pass that Certification level.
• The judge applicant must pass with a 90 or above the written and oral examinations for the Level Five Certification.
• After meeting the above requirements, the candidate may be given an Apprentice Judge’s Rating.
• These procedures replace performance of a Level Five or Level Four Rider Rating.  All other requirements for an apprentice judgeship must be met.
• A candidate may become only a Recorded Judge through this apprenticeship and may not advance to National Judge through these procedures.
• The judge may advertise as an ANRC Recorded Judge, but not may not mention a Rider Certification Level.