National Judge
Level Four or Five Riders Rating
• A Level Five Rated Rider must have held a Recorded Judge’s rating for a minimum period of two years and have judged a minimum of two Rating Centers (at least one of which includes a Five Rider Testing) and two Equitrials.
• A Level Four-Rated Rider must have held a Recorded Judge’s rating for a minimum period of four years and have judged a minimum of four Rating Centers (at least one of which includes a Five Rider Testing) and two Equitrials.
• Must have written recommendations to the ANRC Board of Directors from at least two ANRC National Judges (these are solicited by the Education Chair upon application by the candidate).
• Ability to instruct and judge in line with other ANRC Judges according to ANRC rules through:
– Participation at the instructor level in an instructional clinic of not less than two days duration, and
– Participation as a Judge in all phases of a Rating Center.
• Upon the recommendation of the ANRC Officials Committee a majority vote of the ANRC Board of Directors is required for approval.
• Four years, ending 31 August of expiration year.
Renewal to Retain Active Status
• Active participation in one of the following within each four-year period:
– Judge an ANRC Rating Center/Equitrial
– Judge a Collegiate Championship
– Instruct an ANRC Clinic
– Participate in an ANRC Judges’ Forum Conference
Reinstatement procedure for lapsed judgeship
• Completion of either procedure listed below within a one-year time frame and application to the Education Chair upon completion of either process.
– Participate in an ANRC Judges’ Forum and apprentice judge at a minimum of one ANRC Rating Center or Equitrial.
– Participate in a minimum of two ANRC Rating Centers as an apprentice judge.
– Approval of the ANRC Board of Directors with a majority vote.
Recorded Judge
• Level Four or Level Five Rider Rating
• Apprentice teaching at a minimum of one instructional clinic and apprentice judging at a minimum of three of the following in any combination: ANRC Rating Center, ANRC Equitrial, ANRC Judge’s Forum. At least one of these experiences must include judging the Level One, Level Two and Level Three levels.
• Must have written recommendations to the ANRC Board of Directors from at least two ANRC Judges (these will be solicited by the Education Chair upon application by the candidate).
• Ability to instruct and judge in line with ANRC judges according to ANRC rules.
• Candidates should contact the Chair of Clinics and Centers for an application to become a Recorded Judge and for permission to apprentice.
• Approval when the candidate has completed the application, the Officials Committee makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors . A majority vote of the Board of Directors is required.
• Active status for four years, ending 31 August of expiration year.
Renewal for Active Status
• Active participation in one of the following within each four-year period:
– Judge an ANRC Rating Center/Equitrial.
– Judge an ANRC Collegiate Competition.
– Teach or instruct at an ANRC instruction clinic.
– Participate in an ANRC Judges’ Forum/Conference.
Reinstatement Procedure for lapsed Judgeship
• Completion of either procedure listed below within a one-year time frame and application to the Education Chair upon completion of either process.
– Participate in an ANRC Judges’ Forum and apprentice judge at a minimum of one ANRC Rating Center or Equitrial.
– Participate in a minimum of two ANRC Rating Centers as an apprentice judge.
Guest Judge
• USEF “R” Status
• May judge ANRC Equitrials or Collegiate Competitions only.
• Must have written recommendations to the ANRC Board of Directors from at least two ANRC Judges.
• Upon the recommendations of the ANRC Officials Committee a majority vote of the ANRC Board of Directors is required for approval.
• Four years, ending 31 August of expiration year.
Renewal to maintain active status:
• Must judge one ANRC Equitrial or Collegiate Competition within each four-year period.
Apprentice Judge
• ANRC Level Four or Five Certification
• May judge ANRC Equitrials at Levels One and Two only.
• Must have written recommendations to the ANRC Board of Directors from at least two ANRC Judges.
• Two years, ending 31 August of expiration year.
Renewal to maintain active status:
• Must judge one ANRC Equitrial within each two-year period.
Alternate Method of becoming a Recorded Judge
A full-time experienced riding teacher may request permission to qualify for apprenticeship to become a Recorded Judge without holding a Level Four or Level Five rating (under the following procedures) if age or physical disability prohibit performing the test to achieve such rating.
• Applicant must apply to the ANRC Board of Directors for permission prior to beginning apprenticeship.
• Applicant must produce two pupils riding horses they have trained and schooled. These riders and their horses must have been primarily instructed and trained by the applicant for a period of at least two consecutive years.
• The two student riders must be at not less than the Level Three Rider certification level and must pass that Certification level.
• The judge applicant must pass with a 90 or above the written and oral examinations for the Level Five Certification.
• After meeting the above requirements, the candidate may be given an Apprentice Judge’s Rating.
• These procedures replace performance of a Level Five or Level Four Rider Rating. All other requirements for an apprentice judgeship must be met.
• A candidate may become only a Recorded Judge through this apprenticeship and may not advance to National Judge through these procedures.
• The judge may advertise as an ANRC Recorded Judge, but not may not mention a Rider Certification Level.